Billions of Assets Go Unclaimed Each Year!

by Monica Jackson

2mins Read Nov 28, 2024

If you have ever moved, changed jobs, filed a tax return, or had a relative pass away; there's a good chance you have unclaimed assets. Unclaimed money consists of billions of dollars that have been abandoned at financial institutions nationwide because of lost contact or inactivity.

1. Found Money Guide

That's the amount of unclaimed money in the United States waiting to be given back to the rightful owners. The money includes forgotten apartment security deposits, uncashed overtime checks and lost insurance refunds, and it's sitting there, waiting for you.

Click Here to access the Found Money Guide

2. Class Action Guide

You may be entitled to $1,000 or more. Every day, class action settlements pay back the customers that were wronged. The entities involved and the people that are owed change every day. The Class Action Guide can help you navigate these waters efficiently. See how much you're owed with this simple process.

Click Here access the Class Action Guide

3. Have You Used Round Up Weed Killer?

Round Up is the weed killer used by industries and individuals alike. Unfortunately, a recent lawsuit uncovered that Round Up could cause cancer - . A judgment of $78 million was handed down to be paid out to the customers affected by this poison.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) after being exposed to the popular weed & grass killer Roundup® you need to speak up!

Click Here if you have been affected

4. Injury Settlements

People get injured every day, be it in automobiles, motorcycles, a slip and fall, work related accidents, medical malpractice, a faulty/defective product, and so many other ways. All property and product owners need to ensure the safety of their consumers or visitors/safe environments for any visitor.

When the injury occurs, most people just go to the doctor or hospital and pay out of their own pocket or with their own insurance. Depending on the negligence level or intent, the severity of the injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your injury. Billions of dollars have been won just by consulting an attorney and filing a lawsuit if deemed applicable.

Click Here For a Free Evaluation

5. Hernia Mesh Settlement

Some people that have received a hernia mesh repair have developed one or more internal injuries and health complications. These can include internal infections, pain, mesh detachment and migration, nerve damage, bowel damage, mesh failure including shrinkage, breakage or erosion, perforation of organs, seromas, and adherence to internal tissues.

Often times these complications required a second surgery, or more, with little to no relief. If this sounds like you or a loved one, you may be entitled to relief.

Click Here For a Free Evaluation

6. Personal Finance Guide

Use the Personal Finance Guide for understand your options for quick access to funding. You may be able to access up to $10,000 depending on your situation.

Click Here For the Personal Finance Guide

Read more:
The State By State Guide To Unclaimed Assets
Do You Have Unclaimed Funds? Here's How To Find Out