Unclaimed Gift Card Balances: Long Island Residents Missing Out on Millions

by Johnnie Padberg

1min Read Oct 6, 2024

Did you know that Long Island residents are owed more than $11 million in unclaimed gift card balances?

In a recent investigation conducted by Newsday, it was revealed that a significant amount of money remains unused on gift cards from various retailers and restaurants.

Let's explore the implications this has for individuals and businesses, as well as steps residents can take to recover their lost balances.

Unspent Gift Card Funds: A Growing Issue

Gift cards are popular presents, providing recipients with the freedom to choose their desired items or experiences. However, the investigation by Newsday has shed light on the fact that a large number of gift cards go unused or hold residual balances.

These unspent funds can quickly accumulate, with some residents unaware of the potential savings that await them.

Causes of Unclaimed Balances

There are various reasons behind unclaimed gift card balances. Many individuals simply forget about the cards or misplace them, while others may hesitate to use them due to limited time or availability.

Some gift cards also come with expiration dates or fees, further complicating the redemption process.

Impacts on Long Island Residents and Businesses

The existence of unclaimed gift card balances has significant implications for both residents and local businesses. Individuals miss out on potential savings and the thrill of redeeming a gift card.

For retailers and restaurants, unclaimed balances represent a liability on their balance sheets, affecting their financial stability. Additionally, the unspent funds do not circulate back into the local economy, hindering its growth.

Recovering Unclaimed Balances: What Can be Done?

If you suspect you have unclaimed gift card balances, there are steps you can take to recover them. Start by checking the balance of your gift cards through the retailer's website, customer service, or in-store.

Being mindful of gift cards, their expiration dates, and any associated fees can help prevent the accumulation of unclaimed balances. By proactively using gift cards, you can take advantage of their full value and support local businesses.


The $11 million in unclaimed gift card balances owed to Long Island residents serves as a reminder of the importance of staying organized and utilizing gift cards promptly.

By being proactive and redeeming gift cards in a timely manner, not only can individuals benefit from potential savings, but they can also contribute to the success of businesses on Long Island.