Don't Let the State Keep Your Money: Why You Should Check for Unclaimed Funds in Mississippi

by Monica Jackson

1min Read Oct 28, 2024

Have you ever wondered what happens to money left unclaimed?

In Mississippi, forgotten funds like old bank accounts, uncashed checks, and utility deposits eventually get turned over to the state. But that doesn't mean the money is gone for good.

The state of Mississippi is currently holding over $200 million in unclaimed cash and property that rightfully belongs to citizens like you. And reclaiming what's yours is simpler than you might think. 

The State Wants to Give You Your Money Back

When businesses, organizations, and individuals can't locate the owners of unclaimed funds after a period of time, they turn the money over to the state treasury. But the state doesn't actually keep this money forever.

Mississippi's unclaimed property program is designed to reunite people with their lost funds. They maintain a public database of unclaimed accounts so owners can search for and claim what belongs to them.

And reclaiming is free - the state just verifies your identity and mails you a check, no strings attached.

You Have Nothing to Lose (and Potentially a Lot to Gain)

There's no good reason not to check if you have unclaimed money in Mississippi.

The search is quick, free, and hassle-free. And while the average unclaimed account contains a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, some people discover significantly more waiting for them.

Even if you've lived at the same address for years or consider yourself financially organized, forgotten funds could still exist in your name.

Over time, accounts get lost, checks go uncashed, and credits go unused. So take a few minutes to search - you have nothing to lose but the potential to gain.

Don't Let the State Profit - Search Today! 

Unclaimed funds belong to citizens, not the government. But if accounts go unreclaimed for too long, the state is allowed to use the money for their own purposes. So search the unclaimed property database today and claim what's rightfully yours before it's too late.

With over $200 million at stake, unclaimed money in Mississippi belongs in the pockets of its citizens. Make sure you get your fair share - check now and reclaim your lost funds. The money you discover could make a big difference.